Help someone for free

Going to take a quick break from beauty related posts to introduce you to Kiva.

First up I feel the need to point out that this is not a sponsored post but simply a project which I feel is doing a lot of good in the world. Kiva is a non-profit organization which lets individuals lend out as little as $25 to struggling business owners in disadvantaged areas.

I won't babble on too much about it here, but if you'd like to find out more about the project then you can do so here or watch this video.

The reason I'm posting this is that right now Kiva are offering all new members a free $25 loan after signing up (you don't even need to provide your bank details) and it's the easiest thing in the world. Within seconds you are signed up and can browse all the people who are asking for loans and can choose where this money goes and what it is used for.

I, for example, chose to provide money for housing in Sierra Leone. There are so many people across the planet who could benefit from these loans, and this is such an easy way to help them.

If you are interested in participating then if you do so through this link not only will you get to choose where a free $25 loan goes to, but I will also receive $25 to loan out to someone else.

As much as I love talking about beauty products etc, I think it's important to support projects such as these and I hope you're as excited to participate in this as I am.

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